Common Meter Properties
All meters share a set of properties that define the meter's position, how it is displayed and how it behaves. These are displayed in the Tools & Settings area of the Config Editor under the General tab when you have a meter selected.

Meter Name The name of the meter. This can be anything you like. Use something descriptive if you want to be able to easily select it from the meter list.
Draw Type How to display the selected meter's output. For more information about Draw Types, click here.
X/Y Defines the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the selected meter in the Design Area.
Width/Height Defines the dimensions of the meter in pixels.
Enable Alert Value Allows you to create alert conditions for when meter values exceed, equal or drop below a specified value (see below).
Show Peak Value Allows you to display peak values for meters (see below).
Refresh Interval (ms) Allows you to fine-tune the refresh rate of a meter. Note that a refresh rate of less than or equal to the Display Refresh Interval under the Project Options tab will only update at the Display Refresh Interval.
Alert Properties The meter performs specified actions or changes color when a condition is met.
Alert When... The condition for alert actions to be performed.
Value The value for when alert actions are performed.
Alert Color The color the meter changes to when the alert condition is met.
Alpha Blending The alpha value (0-255) or transparency of the meter when the alert condition is met.
Alert Color 2 The second color the meter changes to when the alert condition is met. Only available for certain meter types, where a second color has been specified.
Alpha Blending 2 The second alpha value (0-255) or transparency of the meter when the alert condition is met. Only available for certain meter types, where a second color has been specified.
Play Sound The chosen .wav sound file is played when the alert condition is met.
Perform Command The specified command is executed when the alert condition is met.
Perform Alert Action... Once - the specifed sound/command is played/executed once when the meter meets the alert condition, and not again until the alert is triggered again.
Always - the specifed sound/command is played/executed every time the meter value changes and still meets the alert condition.
Peak Properties The meter displays a "peak" value indicating the highest value recorded by the meter.
Permanent Peak When enabled, the peak value is remembered indefinitely.
Peak Duration When Permanent Peak is disabled, peak values will be remembered for the specified interval before being reset.
Peak Color The display color of the peak.
Alpha Blending The alpha value (0-255) or transparency of the peak.